About Us...

We have lost 13.7 pounds in 1 week! Weigh-ins are Sundays Measurements and photos taken once/month

Sunday, September 20, 2009

2-week Update

Yikes - time has flown by and I sure haven't posted a darn thing! It's been 2 insanely busy weeks around here. My mom had a hip replacement on Sept 10, so our evenings have been filled with running up to the hospital after work and then coming home around 9pm, so we haven't been getting too much activity in, nor have we been eating properly. To top that off, we've both been sick as dogs with a cold/flu bug, coughing and sneezing, sore throat, you name it...I think we're finally on the mend!

Last week I stayed the same, which is pretty good, considering we've hardly had any meals at home. Eddie was up a bit (he didn't tell me exactly how much - somewhere around 4lbs, not sure). I just weighed in for this week, and I was down 0.4 from my last weight, so that's ok I guess, all things considered.

Today we are going to town to get a whole bunch of groceries - this week is going to be great, I just know it, my mom is out of the hospital finally, and we can get back on track with eating and exercise. We've moved our treadmill and elliptical back out into the living room so there are no excuses!

I'm also very excited about this season's Biggest Loser! I love all of the contestants so far - they all seem so very geniuine. It's going to be a great season! I must say though, that Bob & Jillian working together and training together, although a great thing, is a little awkward! LOL Eddie and I were laughing a little when they were negotiating on how to handle training the contestants. I love this show so much, and wish I could go on it, but alas, they don't allow contestants from Canada! Oh well, I don't need the Biggest Loser to lose weight - I will use it as inspiration and motivation!

That's all for now, I'm really going to try to get on track with blogging more regularly!

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Short & Long Term Goals

Here are a few of our short and long term goals:

Lindsay's Goals:
- 330lbs
- 325lbs
- 299lbs
- 275lbs (the weight I was when we got married!)
- 250lbs

Ed's Goals:
- 250lbs
- 245lbs
- 225lbs
- 215lbs
- 199lbs

We of course have little 5lb goals along the way as well, these are just the major milestones we are working toward. When we achieve our goals, we're going to determine some sort of non-food rewards - maybe new clothes, or a movie or something like that! What do you do to reward yourself??

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 1 Results

Lindsay is down 7.3lbs for a total of 7.3 lost.

Ed is down 6.4lbs for a total of 6.4 lost.

We didn't make a lot of changes this week as we have both been under the weather with a nasty cold, so it's time to kick it up a notch and keep up the momentum...

This week's goals: exercise at least 3x this week, drink all of our water!

The Starting Numbers...

We officially began this journey last Sunday...here are the official starting numbers:

Lindsay's official starting weight: 339.8lbs - NEVER AGAIN!!!
Ed's official starting weight: 259.3lbs

Monday, August 31, 2009

ANNNNND We're back!


Apologies for the delay in posting...summer holidays, and a lot of being 'off track' or 'off plan' have finally led me back to my blog. I think I am going to start up a new blog - my hubby has finally decided to join me on my journey to a healthier lifestyle - so I want to change it up a bit and focus on both of us...watch for the new blog to be up soon!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Wow! Kristin Steede's blog post today really hit home with me! I will comment more later, but wanted to post this for everyone to see!

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Friday, July 31, 2009

Week of July 26 Weigh-in!

Well, I weighed in today (1 day earlier than normal) and I was down 2.2lbs! That brings my total lost to 11.4! Yay me!

I've been loosely following WW since March, but have only really kicked it into high gear and started taking it seriously for the past 2 weeks. I am quite pleased with myself. Now, I just have to keep it up!

This long weekend is going to be a pretty busy one, filled with lots of challenges (we're going to our fair/exhibition on Sunday), so there will be lots of food temptations there. My plan is to choose one treat to have and use my weekly points allowance on that - so rather than have one of everything, (cotton candy, candy apple, mini donuts, etc.), I will pick one and stick with it! It should be a fun day - lots of walking too, so that's good! :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
